The sales report object contains a dashboard identifier (called event_id
) and then an array of line sales report records (transaction_summary_records)
Field Name | Type | Description | Example value |
event_id |
string (UUID) |
Unique identifier for the dashboard | "253723ad-3e3b-4f13-b9f7-8b08d1d88906" |
transaction_summary_records |
array(transaction_summary_records ) |
A list of transaction_summary_records as specified below. |
Field Name | Type | Description | Example value |
server_timestamp |
Unix time | Data and time the line item was purchased | 1704117600 |
type |
enum |
See table in inventory transaction endpoint description for possible values | restock |
transaction_id |
string (UUID) |
Unique identifier of the inventory transaction record | 1e1bbe5d-94de-4346-871b-aa6fc656e43b |
from_store_id |
string (UUID) |
Unique identifier of the inventory store this inventory transaction was recorded against. |
Note, this will always match the to_store_id
for all inventory transaction types other than transfer
| de1e3597-b0a0-48a8-8b40-2daf500645ac
| to_store_id
| string
(UUID) | Unique identifier of the inventory store this inventory transaction was recorded against.
Note, this will always match the from_store_id
for all inventory transaction types other than transfer
| 5d31fe07-d7ee-4827-a0ff-de0879270cab
| from_store_name
| string
| Name of the inventory store this inventory transaction was recorded against.
Note, this will always match the to_store_name
for all inventory transaction types other than transfer
| "Main Inventory Store”
| to_store_name
| string
| Name of the inventory store this inventory transaction was recorded against.
Note, this will always match the from_store_name
for all inventory transaction types other than transfer
| "Pool Bar Inventory”
| inventory_item_id
| string
(UUID) | Unique identifier of the line item sale record | 782658ad-1c32-4c08-ae0f-8e0c9b36ae8f
| inventory_item_name
| string
| Name of the menu item | “Classic Burger”
| amount
| int
| Quantity of the item sold | 8
| procurement_uom
| enum
| Unit of measure the inventory item is procured in.
See table in inventory item for possible values. | pk
| serving_uom
| enum
| Unit of measure the inventory item is served in.
See table in inventory item for possible values. | oz
| procurement_to_serving
| int
| Conversion of procurement to serving units of measure.
Example, if hamburger patties come as packs of 50, but are served as individual patties, the conversion would be 50. | 50
| employee_email
| string
| Email of the staff account who sold the item that created this inventory depletion. | "[[email protected]](<mailto:[email protected]>)"
| employee_id
| string
(UUID) | Unique identifier for the staff account that sold the item | "1056396b-03b1-4da5-9ceb-b7004e976213"
| vendor_name
| string
| Name of the vendor where the item as sold that created this inventory depletion. | “Pool Bar”