Inventory Stores, when returned from the API will have the following fields:

Field Name Type Description Example Value
last_updated_at Integer Unix timestamp of when the object was last updated. 1705431070
inventory_store_id String Unique identifier of the inventory store. "36ecaa60-b4a0-11ee-813b-9708b03a49a7"
event_id String Unique identifier of the associated event. "36ec7004-b4a0-11ee-813b-3f95879c753a"
name String Name of the inventory store. "Back Freezer”
description String Description of the inventory store. "Contains meat and dairy."
location String Location of the inventory store. "Basement"
last_updated_by_account_id String Unique identifier of the user that last updated the object. "e88e73da-b49f-11ee-82ed-8ba69062eb7f"
created_at String ISO 8061 timestamp of when the object was created. "2024-01-16T18:51:10.424323Z"
is_deleted Boolean Whether the inventory store has been deleted. false